Calendario globale degli eventi specializzati sui piccoli frutti e frutti di bosco.

27 Apr 2023

Melissa: a success that for Coop. Sole is worth 100 hectares

Coop Sole's strawberry campaign got off to a very good start thanks to a mild autumn that encouraged a substantial increase in production in the early segment and enabled the cooperative to cope with growing demand for Italian strawberries from northern European markets.

26 Apr 2023

China: Cheng Liu, the pioneer worth 66400 hectares, exclusive speaker at Macfrut

Expected at Macfrut from China is Cheng Liu, who will be a speaker at International Blueberry Days at the Symposium on Wednesday, May 3.

The Senior Researcher from the Lia oning Academy of Agricultural Scien...

26 Apr 2023

Retail prices of blueberries keep dropping in week 17/2023

The price index for blueberries (-4.9%) and raspberries (-1.1%) is confirmed to be down, while blackberries and red currants are stable. The overall category index is thus down 2.4 percent.

25 Apr 2023

Prezzi mirtillo: picco globale a Singapore con oltre € 54/kg

I prezzi dei mirtilli nei supermercati Walmart, Carrefour, Albert Heijn, Tesco, Rewe, Woolworths, Mercadona, Coop CH, Fairprice, Sainsbury's, Kroger, Interspar, Intermarché.

24 Apr 2023

Berries: cycles up to 11 months with Arrigoni covers

This and other Arrigoni solutions will be displayed in the test fields at Macfrut 2023 and presented at International Blueberry Days.

Berries are among the most complex agricultural crops: weather phenomena (rain, wind, hail, excessive insolation, etc.), as well as sudden variation...

24 Apr 2023

Irritec: the complete solution for irrigation

The Irritec Group, founded in Sicily in 1974, is one of the world leaders in precision irrigation. Irritec's mission is to improve irrigation efficiency in agriculture and gardening while reducing environmental impact...

24 Apr 2023

Peru: the Taiwan market opens from 2023

Peru's blueberries passes audit of export program to Taiwan.

Peruvian blueberries passes audit of export program to Taiwan. The National Agricultural Health Service (SENASA) announced that <...

23 Apr 2023

BelOrta: Il consumo di lamponi è triplicato

I lamponi locali aumentano la popolarità di questo piccolo frutto in Belgio. Con l'inizio della stagione, la cooperativa belga BelOrta afferma che la maggiore disponibilità di lamponi coltivati localmente sta contribuendo ad aumentare il consumo nazionale del frutto. La cooperativa belga BelOrta ha annunciato la vendita dei primi lamponi locali del 2023, della varietà Kwanza, […]

22 Apr 2023

Technical day on strawberry breeding and resilience in Basilicata

L.A.ME.T.A. Consulting Ets Association on April 27, 2023 is organizing the new event titled: "Festival & Round Table, Sustainability Resilience and Breeding."

The April 27, 2023 Basilicata Strawberry Festival & Roundt...

21 Apr 2023

Blueberry retail: global downturn for price index in week 16/2023

The Global Blueberry Price Index of the basket Italian Berry detected on 04/17/2023 decreased by 1.7 percent from the previous week.

The index is composed of 14 retailers of the large global retailers, 12 of which have product on offer in the...

ReferencePrice changes