Calendario globale degli eventi specializzati sui piccoli frutti e frutti di bosco.

08 Dec 2023

Tomra Neon, the new solution that adds value and ease to machine-harvested blueberries
The global trend towards machine harvested blueberries has brought challenges. Machine harvesters are faster and less costly than manual picking, but they also harvest unwanted green and red berries, debris and fruit clusters which cause disruption on production lines and slow down the pack-out.

07 Dec 2023

University of Florida researchers unlock the secret to growing blueberries in Florida's off-season
Normally, one does not find Florida-grown blueberries in supermarkets in autumn. But that could change thanks to researchers at the University of Florida. This is good news for consumers and producers, who could extend their market window by several months.

06 Dec 2023

Varietal screening and agrivoltaics on blueberries tested by Agrion
Agrion organises a technical meeting dedicated to the presentation of the phytosanitary balance and the results of the varietal screening of re-blooming strawberry, blueberry and raspberry and to the presentation of the results of the first observations on agri-voltaics on blueberry. In presence and online.

05 Dec 2023

Boom in blueberry export and production in Zimbabwe
An investment boom is underway in blueberry cultivation in Zimbabwe. New plantations are being established mainly by investors from neighboring South Africa, thanks to very favorable climatic conditions, availability of high-quality water for irrigation, and cheap labor.

04 Dec 2023

No dialogue between berry growers and large retailers in UK
The continuing "mismatch" between prices charged by retailers and production costs may force the UK to start importing berries in larger quantities, Retailers in fact are not paying prices that keep pace with rising production costs.

02 Dec 2023

Justin Mudge: this season's improvement must be a permanent reset of the blueberry industry
Justin Mudge (MD of Chiltern Farms) in an exclusive interview to Italian Berry: "The improvements we've seen this season need to be more than a one-time occurrence. It's crucial for the sustainability of the global blueberry business to make this year's positive changes a new norm not an exception."

01 Dec 2023

Growing Wild the documentary that captures the story of four wild blueberry farms in Maine
"GROWING WILD," a short independent documentary that tells the stories of four wild blueberry farms in Maine, is now available online. Their stories and experiences illuminate why "wild" makes a better blueberry and, more importantly, a better world.

30 Nov 2023

Italian retail price index stable in week 48/2023: red currants and blackberries up, slight decline only for raspberries at -0.8%
Stable price index for Italian retail in week 48/2023: growth in red currant (+5%) and blackberry (+4.3%) indexes, only decrease detected for raspberries with -0.8% compared to the previous week. Slight increase also for references with a total of 63 products in the assortment.

29 Nov 2023

Global price index: up on references at +4% with stable prices in week 48/2023
On the rise SKU in week 48/2023: a total of 51 with a +4% increase over the previous week. In contrast, the price index remains stable with a slight decrease of -0.4%.

28 Nov 2023

Prices doubled and promotions more than halved for blueberries in Germany
Due to supply shortages, associated high prices and supply uncertainties, promotional activity in Germany has been significantly reduced in recent weeks compared to previous years.