Calendario globale degli eventi specializzati sui piccoli frutti e frutti di bosco.

20 Apr 2023

Price chaos in Trieste's retail outlets

In Trieste, the Small Fruits Observatory survey found prices tended to be high for raspberries, currants and blackberries, while blueberry was fluctuating from retailer to retailer with differences of even more than 100 percent.

The only origin of currants at present is Chile, while raspber...

19 Apr 2023

Prezzi piccoli frutti in flessione nella GDO Italiana con -4.9% per i mirtilli

Mentre tengono i prezzi di lamponi, nei listini della GDO italiana calano gli indici prezzi di mirtilli (-4.9%) e more (-2.6%); l'indice complessivo della categoria risulta quindi in calo del 1,8%. Referenza Variazione prezzi Lamponi +3,1% Mirtilli -4,9% More -2,6% Ribes rosso Invariato Totale generale -1,8% Nelle insegne online della GDO rilevate, è stata registrata […]

18 Apr 2023

Graziani Packaging: protecting excellence with guaranteed solutions

Graziani Packaging is an Italian company that manufactures and markets packaging materials, specializing in packaging, palletizing and export goods. The company, with over 60 years of corporate history and more than...

18 Apr 2023

Pasquini & Bini: for 60 years the pots for growing blueberries

The cultivation pot guarantees an increase in production yield.

Thanks to the cultivation pot, you can have:

  • Limited water use (about 1/10 compared to production in soil)
  • PH control
  • Healtieri and stronger root system growth with greater yield
  • ...

17 Apr 2023

Mourning the passing of Bernadine Strik

Italian Berry joins in mourning the passing of Bernadine Strik (pictured on the cover during a training meeting held at St. Ursula's Producers in January 2020) remembering her with a...

17 Apr 2023

Hort Innovation: new strawberry variety for machine harvesting

A new Australian initiative by Hort Innovation will enable the selection of strawberries suitable for automated harvesting.

Specially selected strawberries for automated har...

16 Apr 2023

Poland, 2023 season amid difficulties and fears

Growers of blueberries in Poland are preparing for a difficult season.

The situation in the European fresh market for blueberries remains tense due to very limited supply. After the continued influx of large volumes of Peruvian blueberries , and the resulting drop...

15 Apr 2023

Jorge Duarte: targeted blueberry pruning and management approaches based on climate conditions

Jorge Duarte will be one of the speakers at the International Blueberry Days Symposium to be held on May 3, 2023 in Rimini during Macfrut.

In the Blueberry School field day, Duarte will give an overview of the different pruning techniques<...

15 Apr 2023

Solutions for climate adaption: a report by Jorge Esquivel Manterola

Jorge Esquivel Manterola, director of Blueberries Consulting, will be one of the speakers at the Symposium that will open the three-day International Blueberry Days in Rimini on May 3, 2023. He will specifically address the topic ofadaptation of blueberry plants to differ...

15 Apr 2023

Portugal at Macfrut 2023 with Pedro Bras de Oliveira

Portugal 's blueberry case history at the International Blueberry Days at Macfrut. Appointment on Wednesday, May 3 at the Rimini Expo Centre with the first day of the Symposium, which will host a talk by Pedro Bràs de Oliveira o...