Calendario globale degli eventi specializzati sui piccoli frutti e frutti di bosco.

17 Jun 2022

Blueberries, everything has changed in just 5 years!

IQ Consulting has published the Yearbook 2022, which provides a broad overview of the global sector of blueberries. The introduction to the 58-page publication was given by 

16 Jun 2022

How UK is aiming for self-sufficiency in berries within 10 years

The British vertical farming company Jones Food Company predicts that imported berries and herbs could 'disappear in ten years'. According to owner Jones Food Company(JFC), British so...

15 Jun 2022

UK moves ahead with British Berry Growers

British Summer Fruits, the industry body representing 95% of all commercial berry growers in the UK, is relaunching itself and rebranding itself as British Berry Growers.


14 Jun 2022

Mulberries, Teresa's precious legacy

Few fruits can awaken such pleasant and profound feelings in the soul as mulberries. Perhaps it is their perishability, which makes them available only in certain places and at certain times of the year, or perhaps it is their so sweet and aromatic taste. The mulberry brings back memories of anci...

13 Jun 2022

Dutch raspberries growers sue 4 supermarkets

In the Netherlands, several agricultural organisations, including the NFO and the LTO, have for some time been holding talks with the Dutch retail trade called 'Value Creation in Supply Chains'.

Here, supermarkets, processors, farmers and market gardeners ...

12 Jun 2022

Banco Fresco, the surprising supermarket in Turin

In the survey carried out on 8/6/22 in the Turin large-scale retail trade, the first blueberries from northern Italy timidly appeared, while the difficult period for redcurrants, impossible to find below € 3.49 per 125g, continued.

At the Banco Fresco shop, blueberries are offered in bulk a...

11 Jun 2022

Stati Uniti, le 31 idee di USHBC per il mese dei mirtilli

Negli Stati Uniti luglio è il Mese Nazionale del Mirtillo e la USHBC ha organizzato un mese intero di promozioni per promuovere le vendite di mirtilli e stimolare l'interesse dei consumatori per “Grab a Boost of Blue”. In una guida, la USHCB passo dopo passo aiuta a sfruttare la promozione nazionale e a migliorare gli […]

10 Jun 2022

The insect-suction robot that cleans a whole strawberry field

Lygus rugulipennis is the most important of the strawberry pests. To combat this insect, the Spanish company Agrobot has launched BugVacuum, a self-propelled vacuum cleaner capable of sucking up insects by autonomously navigating between the rows. The 

10 Jun 2022

Italian blueberries ready for the start of the 2022 export season

The export season of the Italian blueberry has started these days, with the first early variety Duke being produced in northern Italy.

Italian production is therefore starting a few days earlier than pre-season forecasts and is expected...

09 Jun 2022

Best buy: ecco dove comprare mirtilli e lamponi a meno di € 1.50

GLI ACQUISTI PIÙ CONVENIENTI DELLA SETTIMANAListini e-commerce di 11 insegne della GDO italiana (rilevazione del 07/06/22) “COMPRO BENE”: Best Buy al kg (categoria piccoli frutti)Mirtilli: 250g da Esselunga a 9,92 €/kg (2,48 € a confezione) “SPENDO POCO”: Best Buy a confezione (categoria piccoli frutti)Lamponi: 125g da Famila a 1,45 €/confezione “COMPRO BENE”: Best Buy al […]