Calendario globale degli eventi specializzati sui piccoli frutti e frutti di bosco.

09 Jul 2022

2022: a season to forget for Italian Duke blueberries

The fulcrum of the blueberries season in Piedmont has now come to an end. For Duke in particular, it was a troubled season that brought to the surface the criticalities of a sti...

08 Jul 2022

Breeding Value, the EU project set to unlock the secrets of taste and quality

The scientific journal 'The Plant Journal' recently published an extensive article on Breeding Value, a wide-ranging project that lays the foundations for accelerated research and varietal development centred on the resources of the European continent.

Fresh berries are a popular a...

07 Jul 2022

Best buy in Piacenza: Ipercoop and Esselunga lead the game for blackberries



"COMPRO BENE": Best Buy per kg (category berries)
blackberries : 200g from Ipercoop at 5.25 €/kg (1.05 € per pack)

"SPENDING LITTLE": Best Buy per pack (category berries)

06 Jul 2022

Wholesale markets in Italy in full swing with local berries

Now it is time for Italian small fruits on the wholesale market. Blueberries and raspberries are mainly produced in Trentino, Piedmont and Veneto. blackberries and currants are also Italian. Myfruit interviewed market operators in Milan, Verona, Genoa, Turin, Cagliari and Cesena.


06 Jul 2022

Early bird rates for 2022 International Strawberry Congress

The 4th International Strawberry Congress, to be held in Antwerp, Belgium, from 21 to 24 September 2022, has been presented. This congress offers a unique combination of business strategy and scientific research. The International 

05 Jul 2022

Global price index falling for blueberries this week

The global price index of blueberries is composed of 13 retailers of the large global retailers, 12 of which have product on offer in the June 27, 2022 survey. The 13 retailers that make up the weekly panel are: Albert Heijn (NL), Carrefour (FR), Coop (CH),...

04 Jul 2022

Huelva, a tough season with UK down 55% while costs rise

The soft fruit sector of Huelva is coming to the end of a turbulent 2021/22 season, in which it faced enormous difficulties with a clear impact on production profitability. It also does so with a scenario that poses interesting challenges for the future. All these issues wer...

03 Jul 2022

Melinda and Mach Foundation join forces for varietal development

An update meeting on research and experimentation activities in the fruit sector for APOT, Melinda and La Trentina was held at the Edmund Mach Foundation. Some thirty...

02 Jul 2022

Registration open for Morocco Berry Conference 2022

The first edition of the Morocco Berry Conference brought together more than 550 delegates from around 25 countries in 2019. Due to the pandemic, the second edition was held online and gathered 567 participants from 42 countries.

This year the conference will be held o...

01 Jul 2022

Emisfero sud, aumento del 12% per le esportazioni di mirtillo

Le esportazioni dall'emisfero meridionale continuano a registrare una marcata tendenza al rialzo, una situazione che è stata favorita da un forte aumento delle esportazioni dal Perù, che gode di un clima adatto a mantenere un'offerta permanente di mirtilli. L'anno 2021/22 dell'emisfero meridionale ha registrato esportazioni di mirtillo fresco per 353.488 tonnellate, con una variazione positiva […]