Calendario globale degli eventi specializzati sui piccoli frutti e frutti di bosco.

30 Jun 2022

Practical tipo for growing raspberries in pots on your terrace at home
This content was developed in cooperation with Battistini Vivai. If you want to put the advice in the article into practice and grow raspberries on your balcony at home, visit the new 

29 Jun 2022

GDO Italia: tonfo more -14% nei prezzi online

Questa settimana i prezzi online nel campione della distribuzione alimentare italiana (Amazon, Carrefour, Conad, Cortilia, Easy Coop, Eataly, Esselunga, Gorillas, Penny, U2) hanno mostrato un deciso calo per le more, un assestamento al ribasso per i mirtilli, un lieve aumento per i lamponi e una sostanziale stabilità per il ribes rosso. Referenza Variazione prezzi More […]

28 Jun 2022

Blueberries: price index unchanged on the 12 retaliers monitored

The Global Blueberry Price Index of the basket Italian Berry remained unchanged from the previous week.

The index consists of 13 retailers of large global retailers, including 12 with product on offer in the survey of 06/27/2022.

27 Jun 2022

Discovering highbush blueberries and how to grow them
This content was developed in cooperation with Battistini Nurseries. If you want to put the advice in the article into practice and grow the giant American blueberry , visit the new 

26 Jun 2022

Germany: blueberry season kicks off with a good outlook

This year's spring frost caused almost no damage to the blueberry plants in Germany, so much so that the Vereinigung der Spargel- und Beerenanbauer e.V. (Association of Asparagus and Berry Growers) expects good...

25 Jun 2022

Myfruit: a successfull berry webinar

The webinar organised on 21 June 2022 by myfruit and Italian Berry became a unique opportunity for dialogue and open discussion between large retailers (represented by Zampieri of Conad and Stanislao of Megamark) and manufacturers (with A...

24 Jun 2022

Retail in Modena: watch out Pam's best buys



"COMPRO BENE': Best Buy per kg (category berries)
Blueberries: 500g from Pam at 7.98 €/kg (3.99 € per pack)

"SPENDING LITTLE": Best Buy per pack (category berries)

23 Jun 2022

Driscoll's acquires Berry Gardens

Driscoll's, the world's largest berry company, has formally agreed terms to purchase Berry Gardens Limited, the sales, packaging and distribution division of Berry Gardens Growers Limited. The two companies have a long-standing relationship: Berry Gardens ha...

23 Jun 2022

Agrion, incontro tecnico 2022 con visite in campo

Agrion organizza un incontro tecnico in programma giovedì 30 giugno 2022 alle ore 14.30 presso il Centro Sperimentale Agrion di Boves. Programma incontro Agrion Verranno presentati i risultati dello screening varietale fragola unifera 2022 e a seguire si potrà visitare la prova varietale mirtillo. Per informazioni: Agrion Tel. 0171-388880

22 Jun 2022

Sekoya finally in Italy with RK Growers and SanLucar

The season of blueberries kicks off: SEKOYA® varieties are arriving in Italy thanks to partnership projects carried out by RK Growers and SanLucar with farmers throughout the Peninsula. By 2027, the goal is to increase producti...