Calendario globale degli eventi specializzati sui piccoli frutti e frutti di bosco.

11 Mar 2023

Piedmont ready for an uncertain season

The economic importance of the blueberry supply chain in Piedmont, which has steadily grown in recent years due in part to the relevant results, also brings with it the critical issues that are now common to all global production of blueberries: the market, labor and climate...

10 Mar 2023

British raspberries ready for a hot summer

The British raspberry season last year got off to a good start, and people in the UK were able to enjoy larger and sweeter fruit thanks to a warmer and more stable spring.

British ...

09 Mar 2023

Chile: end of season compromised by excessive heat

Chilean heat hastens the end of the season at blueberry.

The supply of Chilean blueberries has begun to decline significantly. "Our volume of Chilean blueberries has been almost cut in half and others in the industry have almost stopped," Josh...

08 Mar 2023

PREZZI GDO globale: Indice mirtilli in ripresa nella settimana 10/2023

I prezzi dei mirtilli nei supermercati Walmart, Carrefour, Albert Heijn, Tesco, Rewe, Woolworths, Mercadona, Coop CH, Fairprice, Sainsbury's, Kroger, Interspar, Intermarché.

07 Mar 2023

Tutti i prezzi: balzo ribes +10% nella settimana 10/2023

La settimana iniziata il 6 marzo 2023 vede un aumento dell'indice prezzi della GDO italiana trainata da un balzo del +10% registrato dal ribes rosso in confronto alla settimana scorsa. Referenza Variazione prezzi Lamponi -1,3% Mirtilli +1,6% More Invariato Ribes rosso +10,0% Totale generale +1,6% Nelle insegne online della GDO rilevate, è stata registrata una […]

06 Mar 2023

US blueberry demand on the rise between market and marketing

Demand for blueberries is increasing, so aggressive marketing can boost sales even after the U.S. domestic season ends.

The area under cultivation is growing, not only in the main import source regions, such as 

04 Mar 2023

Koyo Berry is the new vertical strawberry of Oishii

On February 23, vertical farming leader Oishii launched Koyo Berry, the 2023 novelty of the now-famous strawberry brand.

Koyo Berry joins the coveted Omakase Berry as Oishii's second st...

03 Mar 2023

Planasa opens a new site in Mexico focusing on breeding

Planasa is opening a research and development center in MexicoThe facility will work on the development of new soft fruit varieties in Latin America and the U.S.

Planasa has open...

02 Mar 2023

Prezzi GDO in ribasso nella settimana 9/2023

L'indice prezzi della GDO online italiana rilevato il 27/2/2023 registra un ribasso dello 0,6% rispetto alla settimana precedente, trainato principalmente da un calo nei mirtilli (-1,9%) e nei lamponi (-0,4%). Referenza Variazione prezzi Lamponi -0,4% Mirtilli -1,9% More +0,4% Ribes rosso Invariato Totale generale -0,6% Invariato l'indice prezzi per il ribes rosso, mentre per le […]

01 Mar 2023

Drosophila, a new Spanish research seeks solutions

USAL scientists seek biological solutions to Drosophila suzukii, an invasive fruit fly in red fruit crops. This insect was first found in Spain in 2008 and has devastating effects on agriculture.

Scientists at the