Calendario globale degli eventi specializzati sui piccoli frutti e frutti di bosco.

15 Jun 2023

Agrion: incontro tecnico su fragola unifera e mirtillo, anche online

Agrion organizza giovedì 22 giugno alle ore 14.30 un incontro tecnico sui risultati dello screening varietale “Fragola unifera 2023” e una visita in campo alla prova varietale mirtillo L’incontro si terrà in presenza ma sarà attivato il collegamento Zoom. Image by serhii_bobyk on Freepik

15 Jun 2023

Chile under scrutiny: new approaches for development in 2023
A few years ago, when people talked about blueberries in Chile and around the world, they thought of a very productive, rather rustic plant, without any great sophistication. Since then much progress has been made in cultivation and industry, and today there is wide choice of varieties.

14 Jun 2023

Red currant Marlena, the variety that can conquer the market
German breeder Artevos claims to have identified a potential long-term replacement for the popular redcurrant variety Jonkheer van Tets. Registered as Marlena, the company's production-resistant alternative also ripens 'very early'.

13 Jun 2023

Prezzi mirtilli in aumento a doppia cifra nella settimana 24/2023

Il difficile momento dei mirtilli, che a causa del maltempo stanno segnando scarsa disponibilità e qualche problema qualitativo, ha avuto un immediato riscontro nei prezzi al dettaglio, che in Italia sono aumentati dell’11,8% nella settimana di metà giugno in confronto a sette giorni fa. L’indice prezzi di Italian Berry ha registrato inoltre prezzi in calo […]

12 Jun 2023

Agadir: the fourth Morocco Berry Congress will be held on 9 November 2023
he fourth edition of the Morocco Berry Conference will be held on 9 November in the Les Dunes d'Or congress hall in Agadir, with Italian Berry being a media partner for the third consecutive time.

09 Jun 2023

Small fruits: an analysis of plantings in northern Italy
The book 'Organic and Integrated Cultivation of Small Fruits' deals in depth with the fascinating world of small fruits highlighting how the soil, climatic and socio-economic conditions in northern Italy, particularly in the foothills, are particularly suitable for growing small fruit.

08 Jun 2023

IBO Congress 2023 in Poland: discounts for registrations by 10 June
The International Blueberry Organisation (IBO) Summit 2023, starting on 3 July in Poland, promises to be a truly global meeting of the blueberry industry and over two days, it will be possible to hear from leading industry and academic representatives.

07 Jun 2023

Blueberries, BelOrta opens the season in Belgium
The Belgian cooperative announced the first sale of the year of local blueberries, produced by Albert and Maarten Royakkers of Kinrooi. These blueberries of the Duke variety were purchased by Fangio Winckels, head of Belgian fruit purchasing at Bouvry NV.

06 Jun 2023

Albert Heijn: fighting waste with new AI systems
Dutch supermarket chain Albert Heijn claims that its strawberry supply chains will be 'smarter and more efficient' thanks to new artificial intelligence and algorithms that reduce food waste and predict the shelf life of the fruit.

05 Jun 2023

Prezzi mirtillo: rimbalzo nella GDO globale nella settimana 23/2023

I prezzi dei mirtilli nei supermercati Walmart, Carrefour, Albert Heijn, Tesco, Rewe, Woolworths, Mercadona, Coop CH, Fairprice, Sainsbury’s, Kroger, Interspar, Intermarché.