Calendario globale degli eventi specializzati sui piccoli frutti e frutti di bosco.

29 Mar 2024

Spanish Asturian blueberries in search of a new positioning for variety, timing and quality
The report 'New Challenges for Blueberry Expansion in Asturias' analyses four challenges: re-evaluation of harvest dates; varietal replacement; climate risk control and quality improvement; minimising the unproductive period and maximising productivity.

28 Mar 2024

Dormancy in caneberries (raspberries and blackberries) and blueberries: definition, process and models to calculate chilling hours
Berry plants need to overwinter, accumulate cold and get out of dormancy to get enough development and production for its variety and site of production. To control this process, several models for calculating chilling hours have been proposed.

27 Mar 2024

Under € 22/kg there are only discount stores in Modena this week
The survey took place on 26/03/2024 in the urban area of Modena (Italy) and involved 16 shops of 16 brands belonging to 12 large-scale distribution groups. The price scales are remarkable, with blueberries ranging from € 14.00/kg (Dpiù) to € 26.00/kg (Sigma).

27 Mar 2024

A technical event on berries at Fruttinfiore in Lagnasco (Italy)
As part of Fruttinfiore, the traditional spring event held in Lagnasco (Cuneo), on Saturday 6 April from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. the conference 'Innovations in blueberry cultivation and harvesting' is scheduled with a technical programme featuring speakers on various topics.

25 Mar 2024

Exclusive interview to Sant'Orsola: growing trend in Italy also thanks to the interest of consumers in Central and Southern Italy
Nicola Leonardi, responsabile commerciale della cooperativa Sant’Orsola, in occasione di un'ampia intervista a Myfruit ha commentato in esclusiva per Italian Berry l'andamento dei consumi di piccoli frutti in Italia come analizzato dall'Osservatorio Semestrale Italian Berry Gfk.

25 Mar 2024

In Poland, blueberry imports are about to exceed exports
Poland, a major global exporter of fresh blueberries, has emerged as one of the fastest growing markets for this fruit. By the end of 2023, Poland had risen to the top eight of the world's largest blueberry importers.

22 Mar 2024

Drivers of global development at Nova Siri Genetics conference
What are the drivers for the development of the berries sector? This was the topic of the report presented by Thomas Drahorad at the conference organised by Nova Siri Genetics on 21 March 2024. The report is available for download for readers of Italian Berry.

21 Mar 2024

Strawberry Retail Monitor in Bologna showing 24 brands on the shelves and prices from 3 to 11 Euro/kg
During the most recent survey of the Strawberry Retail Monitor, carried out by Italian Berry in 7 large-scale retail outlets in Bologna on 19/3/2023, Origin is almost exclusively Italian, with only 2 packages from Spain out of 31 sampled; the 500 g format prevails.

20 Mar 2024

Seminar on integrated organic cultivation of berries: experiences in Northern Italy
A seminar will be held in Brescia (Italy) that addresses knowledge of the soil and climate characteristics of the area, the choice of cultivars, appropriate agronomic practices, and the use of valuable organic matrices and microorganisms as the key to the success of a modern berry farm.

19 Mar 2024

Global blueberry price index down -0,9% in week 12/2024
The Global Blueberry Price Index of the Italian Berry basket surveyed on 18/03/2024 decreased by 0.9% compared to the previous week. The index is composed of 14 global retail brands with product on offer in the survey of 18/03/2024.