
30 Apr 2023

Santa raspberries, four new varieties from Chile

From Chile, 4 new raspberry varieties thanks to the work of the Fruit Technology Consortium, along with collaboration with consortia, universities and partner fruit companies.


26 Apr 2023

Retail prices of blueberries keep dropping in week 17/2023

The price index for blueberries (-4.9%) and raspberries (-1.1%) is confirmed to be down, while blackberries and red currants are stable. The overall category index is thus down 2.4 percent.

15 Apr 2023

Driscoll's: understanding genetics to improve customers' experience

The global program of blueberries by Driscoll's, an American giant with a century of agricultural tradition and now a pioneer in innovation, will be presented at Macfrut at the International Blueberry D...

ReferencePrice changes