17 Mar 2024

Sales and prices rising in Italian wholesale markets


With good weather in Italy, wholesale sales of strawberries and small fruits soar. The campaign is going well, although strawberry prices decrease with increased volumes, only premium products exceeding 5 euros per kilogram. Raspberries are an exception. Product is scarce and Italian origin, especially from Basilicata, reaches 23/24 euros per kilogram in wholesale markets. Federico Fapanni, sales manager at Ortobergamo, reports positive news from the Bergamo market. "We're doing quite well," he says. "Quantities are starting to be available. There's a good supply of strawberries. Demand is high, with supermarkets offering promotions on strawberries, which are essential."

Quotations: premium exceeds 5 euros

Volumes increase, prices decrease. "Even strawberries have dropped, ranging from 3.5 to 5 euros per kilogram. The origin is Basilicata, Campania, Sicily, and Spain. Lucanian product fluctuates from 4 to 5 euros per kilogram with the premium line. Varieties like Rossetta and Marimbella are doing well," says the operator from Bergamo. "Other varieties range between 3.50 and 4 euros. Campania's product comes in a two-kilogram pan with beautiful varieties selling at 7.50/9 euros."

Raspberries are scarce; Italian prices reach 23/24 euros

The demand for raspberries isn't suffering, but as Fapanni explains, "There's less merchandise available. Italian product, mainly from Basilicata, is priced at 23/24 euros per kilogram. It saw a two-euro increase last week. They're also suffering abroad but with lower prices: 17/18 euros per tray."

Italian blueberries at 20 euros per tray

What about other small fruits? "Italian blueberries are priced at 20 euros per two-kilogram tray, originating from Basilicata, with beautiful, crunchy, fridge-resistant, and uniquely flavored product. Blackberries? They've been out of stock for a month, but there's foreign product in the market."

Let's conclude the interview with Fapanni on seasonal products. "With the arrival of spring, melons sell well alongside strawberries and small fruits. There's a desire for variety. Philibon from Martinique and red-fleshed L'Accent from Morocco are doing well. We're awaiting Sicilian and then Mantuan products."

Quotations for small fruits from national markets

Let's look at quotations in markets. Regarding currants, there's both Italian and Dutch product. Some prices: Verona (Dutch 18.50 euros per kilogram), Rome (Italian 19), Naples (Italian 19.50), Florence (Dutch 21). Mexican product dominates blackberries, ranging from 17 euros in Verona to 21 in Naples, Bologna, and Rome. Peruvian origin still dominates blueberries with these prices: Verona (16.50 euros per kilogram), Rome (19), Padua (17), Naples (15).

Source: Piccoli frutti: bene la fragola, manca il lampone che tocca i 24 euro - Myfruit

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