Calendario globale degli eventi specializzati sui piccoli frutti e frutti di bosco.

17 Oct 2023

Ukrainian 2023 season report shows signs of recovery and over 3,000 tonnes exported
Wholesale blueberry prices in Ukraine in 2023 were still relatively low, although, at first glance, they did not appear to be record low. Last year, in 2022, they had periodically dropped even lower than this year.

14 Oct 2023

Berry Talks interviews Sebastián Ochoa Münzenmayer on the future of the global blueberry industry
In this interview, Chilean agronomist Sebastián Ochoa Münzenmayer analyses the main hot topics: varietal renewal in Chile, the importance of crop management and the correct choice of varieties, and the role and future of the world's Big Four blueberry growers: Peru, Mexico, Morocco and China.

13 Oct 2023

High prices and reduced shelf space in 20 retailers surveyed in Turin
The survey took place on 12/10/2023 in the urban area of Turin and covered 20 outlets of 20 brands belonging to 16 large-scale distribution groups. This week prices are generally quite high, with all references well above € 20/kg.

12 Oct 2023

UK berry market booming: estimated 3 billion per year in just 5 years
Advances in agricultural technology have played a key role in this success. These technological innovations not only contribute to the robustness of the crop, but also make British blackberries more competitive in the global market.

12 Oct 2023

Global blueberry price index up 3.3% in week 41/2023
The Global Retail Price Index for Blueberries has increased by 3.3% in week 41/2023. In particular the Premium segment has shown an even higher variation.

12 Oct 2023

Washington State University promotes free seminar on cherry and blueberry quality
The university invites you to participate in two days of webinars focused on optimizing the quality of blueberries and sweet cherries. The list of speakers includes distinguished individuals from the renowned participating institutions, known for their expertise in the field.

11 Oct 2023

Italian retail price index up 3.4% for berries in week 41/2023
Prices up for all products in the berry category in Italy in week 41/2023

11 Oct 2023

Two new blackberry varieties complete a year-round calendar of Plus Berries
Plus Berries, with a long experience in the berries industry, is actively engaged in a specialised variety development programme in the field of blackberries. Exclusive interview with Jesn Vang Jensen, commercial manager blackberries and Carolina Rodriguez Verdugo, commercial manager blackberries.

10 Oct 2023

The Mexican berries industry will soon have global distribution according to the president of Aneberries: focus on Asia and Middle East
The most recent trade data show that between 97 and 98% of Mexican strawberry, raspberry, blackberry and blueberry production remains in North America. A maximum of 3% goes to Europe, the Middle East and Asia, especially Japan, Hong Kong and South-East Asia.

09 Oct 2023

Nufri and BayWa together for a new premium blueberry breeding programme
The joint venture between BayWa and Nufri, with a 50 per cent stake each, based in Huelva, Spain, will grow new premium blueberry varieties from BayWa Global Produce Group's subsidiary, VentureFruit, and its breeding programmes.