Small fruits: an analysis of plantings in northern Italy
The book 'Organic and Integrated Cultivation of Small Fruits' deals in depth with the fascinating world of small fruits highlighting how the soil, climatic and socio-economic conditions in northern Italy, particularly in the foothills, are particularly suitable for growing small fruit.
IBO Congress 2023 in Poland: discounts for registrations by 10 June
The International Blueberry Organisation (IBO) Summit 2023, starting on 3 July in Poland, promises to be a truly global meeting of the blueberry industry and over two days, it will be possible to hear from leading industry and academic representatives.
The Belgian cooperative announced the first sale of the year of local blueberries, produced by Albert and Maarten Royakkers of Kinrooi. These blueberries of the Duke variety were purchased by Fangio Winckels, head of Belgian fruit purchasing at Bouvry NV.
Dutch supermarket chain Albert Heijn claims that its strawberry supply chains will be 'smarter and more efficient' thanks to new artificial intelligence and algorithms that reduce food waste and predict the shelf life of the fruit.
Marsala hosts the 2nd National Symposium on Small Fruits 2023
Once again this year, Marsala will host the Symposium on Strawberries and Small Fruits. The event, scheduled for 9 June at the Complesso Monumentale San Pietro, will be of national importance for the productive economy of western Sicily and, mainly, of the Marsala and Mazarese areas.
Nabil Belmkaddem (General Manager at BestBerry) will be the guest of the tenth episode of Berry Talks. An all-round conversation that touches on the main aspects of the berries supply chain in Morocco, a country that, producing berries 9 months a year.
Mentre la stagione delle fragole del Sud Italia è ormai giunta al termine, è tempo di fare un bilancio. Con l’aiuto dei dati raccolti dall’Osservatorio Fragole, vediamo la principali caratteristiche di una campagna che rappresenta circa il 70% delle vendite di fragole in Italia. Tra la fine di gennaio e la metà di maggio si […]
"Growing Wild': the wild blueberry starring in a documentary
The documentary, produced by Lone Spruce Creative, will bring attention to the wild blueberry in the United States, specifically in the state of Maine, and how this small fruit has actually been a native product for centuries.
Berry Trend 2023: la situazione attuale dalla filiera per la filiera
Lunedì 29 maggio sui canali social la diretta del Webinar Berry Trend 2023: un'analisi dell'attuale situazione dei piccoli frutti in tutti gli aspetti della filiera. Si avvicina la data del webinar sui piccoli frutti organizzato da in collaborazione con Italian Berry dal titolo “Berry Trend 2023. Piccoli frutti: tutte le novità dalla serra allo […]