Calendario globale degli eventi specializzati sui piccoli frutti e frutti di bosco.

21 Nov 2023

European Union allocates aid for Polish raspberry producers
The European Commission has approved an aid program for Polish raspberry growers whose plantations suffered severe damage this year due to spring frost or hailstorms causing low prices for produce for processing.

20 Nov 2023

Chilean Blueberry Committee revises export estimates for 2023-2024 season amidst climatic challenges
The Chilean Blueberry Committee reduces export estimates to 76,500 tons for the 2023-2024 season. Andrés Armstrong attributes the revision to rains and weather events, but reports so far an 18 percent growth in exports over the previous season.

17 Nov 2023

Price index stable for Italian retail: in week 46/2023 index at +1.1% thanks to growth in currants (+7.2%), blackberries and blueberries
There was a slight increase in the price index for the Italian retail during week 46: growth in currants at +7.2%, with blackberries and blueberries growing slightly by +1%. The number of references also increased, with a total of 56 representing a growth of +17%.

16 Nov 2023

Global retail index slightly down in week 46/2023: -1% driven by the collapse of organic to -6.86%.
Slight decline in the global retail price index in week 46/2023: organic fell compared to the previous week with -6.86%, with standard and premium segments unchanged. The discount segment was also up, growing by +2.77% since last week.

15 Nov 2023

In Bologna a good stock rotation boosts quality on the shelves
In Bologna on 14/11/2023 the quality of all references tended to be good due to a rather fast rotation. Most production batches belong to no earlier than 11 November. Prices remain high due to the lack of blueberries, blackberries and raspberries in production.

14 Nov 2023

Blueberries and strawberries lead in growth, markets and availability per capita in the US according to USDA report
The report illustrates how demand for strawberries and blueberries has steadily increased since the turn of the millennium, leading to substantial growth in both domestic production and exports due to new varieties, technological advances and expansion of areas.

13 Nov 2023

Interview with Nuno Passadinhas, Auchan Retail, Portugal: unlock the potential of the berry category
In this recent exclusive interview with Nuno Passadinhas, Director of Fresh Products at Auchan Retail, Portugal, Italian Berry delved into the importance of the berry category for Auchan and its remarkable growth, with a particular focus on blueberries.

10 Nov 2023

Fall Creek's FCM14-057 is the new low-chill variety with high yield and shelf life
Fall Creek has introduced a new blueberry selection called FCM14-057. Suitable for low-chill climates, it has distinctive characteristics in terms of shelf life, size and productivity. It has been planted in test fields throughout Peru since 2014 and has achieved very satisfactory results.

10 Nov 2023

Verona: berry retail prices in 20 retail outlets in week 45/2023
La rilevazione dell'Osservatorio Prezzi della GDO italiana si è svolta in data 09/11/2023 nella zona urbana di Verona e ha interessato 20 punti vendita di 20 insegne appartenenti a 13 gruppi della grande distribuzione.

09 Nov 2023

Price index for small fruit stable in Italian retail: week 45/2023 with slight index growth driven by raspberries at +5%.
Prices were generally stable in the Italian retail basket this week. There was slight growth for raspberries with +5%, while blueberries fell by -3.2%. There was also a drop in references, which fell by 16% with a total of 48.