19 Aug 2024

Currants, Italian households' expenditure down 32% in two years


The **Italian Berry - GfK** data on the consumption of currants by Italian families analyzed here refers to the period 01/07/2023 - 30/06/2024. The comparisons are based on the previous 12-month period.

Fewer buyers in the last two years

Out of an Italian population composed of 25.85 million households, the penetration (percentage of households purchasing currants at least once a year) is 3.04% (-12.5% compared to the previous period).

Penetration, after a positive period (2020-2021) during the Covid emergency, has gradually decreased to levels below those of four years ago.

The total number of Italian households purchasing currants is 0.79 million, a decrease of 11.6% compared to the previous 12 months.


Spending drops by 32% in just two years

Italian households purchase currants 1.56 times a year (-8.3% compared to the previous period), buying an average of 0.26 kg per occasion (-16.2%). The average purchase per occasion has dropped by 40% compared to four years ago, when it peaked at 0.43 kg.

With a total pool of 0.79 million purchasing households, the total volume of currants purchased in Italy in the last twelve months was 317 tons.

The average price for the period was €14.25/kg (+11.3% compared to the previous period and +15% compared to two years ago).

The overall market for currants in Italy is therefore worth **€4.5 million**, down 32% compared to two years ago.

Volume0.32000 tons-32.0%
Value4.51million €-24.3%

27.49% of Italian households purchasing currants make repeat purchases, i.e., more than once a year.

The expenditure on currants by purchasing households is **€5.74** (-14.4% compared to the previous period), corresponding to 0.40 kg (-23.1%).

The average expenditure on currants per purchase occasion is **€3.68** (-6.7% compared to the previous period).


The GfK panel is surveyed using the HomeScan methodology, employing a tool that enables optical reading of EAN codes as well as integrating the survey with other key information (Channel, Brand, Receipt Information, specific questions to the purchasing manager). The survey is conducted continuously, allowing for the study of purchasing behavior trends over time, providing a comprehensive picture of the behavior of Italian households.

Italian Berry - All rights reserved

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