14 Aug 2024

Spending on blackberries doubled (+93%) by Italian households in YE 06/2024


The data from Italian Berry - GfK on blackberry consumption by Italian households analyzed here refer to the period 07/01/2023 - 06/30/2024. The comparisons are based on the previous 12-month period.

Blackberries have been the fastest-growing product in the berries category over the past 12 months, with a surprising result that can be explained by several factors.

Buyers on the rise (+2.4%)

In an Italian population consisting of 25.85 million households, penetration (the percentage of households that purchase blackberries at least once a year) is 6.28% (+1.4% compared to the previous period). The total number of households buying blackberries is therefore 1.62 million (+2.4%).                    


The penetration trend for blackberries has fluctuated between 5% and 7% in recent years, with a slight downward tendency.

Blackberries are bought more often (+56%)

Italian households purchase blackberries 2.93 times a year (56.0% more than the previous period), buying an average of 0.18 kg each time (-0.2%). 

The purchase frequency has shown an increasing trend over the last 4 years.

With a total pool of 1.62 million purchasing households, the total volume of blackberries bought in Italy amounts to 840 tons.

The average price during this period was 16.81 Eur/kg. The price has seen a significant increase (+21.4%) in the last 12 months, after three years of relative stability.

The overall market for blackberries in Italy is therefore worth Eur 14.1 million.

Volume0.84000 tons+59.5%
Value14.12million €+93.7%

After three years of market decline, blackberry sales value has almost doubled in the last 12 months.

What is the reason for this significant increase?

Significant increase in blackberry consumption

The significant increase in blackberry consumption, almost doubled compared to the previous year, can be explained by analyzing the following key points from Italian Berry - GfK data:

1. Increase in total volume consumed (59.5%)

The total volume of blackberries consumed increased by 59.5%, from 526.83 tons to 840.26 tons. 

This increase is the result of two main factors:

  • Increase in Volume per Buyer (55.8%): Each buyer purchased an average higher quantity of blackberries, from 0.33 kg to 0.52 kg per person. This significant increase indicates a greater propensity for consumers to buy more blackberries compared to the previous year.
  • Increase in Purchase Frequency (56.0%): Consumers bought blackberries more frequently, from 1.88 to 2.93 purchase occasions per year. This data reflects a greater habit or preference for blackberries, possibly due to better availability or more effective promotions.

2. Growth in market value (93.7%)

The total market value of blackberries almost doubled, from 7.29 million Euros to 14.12 million Euros. This was influenced by both the increase in volume and the average price of blackberries, which rose by 21.4%, from 13.84 to 16.81 Euros per kg.

3. Spending per buyer and per occasion

  • Spending per Buyer (+89.1%): The average spending per buyer increased significantly, from 4.60 to 8.70 Euros, reflecting both the increase in volume per buyer and the higher average price.
  • Spending per Occasion (+21.2%): Average spending per occasion also increased, albeit to a lesser extent than spending per buyer. This could indicate that consumers, while buying blackberries more frequently, spend slightly more on each individual purchase occasion.

4. Penetration and repeat rate

  • Penetration (+1.4%): Although the increase in penetration is modest, it indicates that more households have purchased blackberries compared to the previous year.
  • Repeat Rate (+18.0%): An increase in the repeat rate suggests that consumers returned to buy blackberries more frequently after a first purchase, a positive sign of consumer satisfaction.

Repeat rate44.04%+18.0%


The significant increase in blackberry consumption is primarily attributable to the increase in volume per buyer and purchase frequency, accompanied by an increase in average price and total market value. This trend suggests a growing popularity of blackberries in the last 12 months, likely due to a combination of factors such as perceived quality, availability, and potentially more effective commercial and marketing policies.

Image by artbutenkov on Freepik

The GfK panel data collection is carried out using the HomeScan methodology, with the use of a tool that allows optical reading of EAN codes as well as the integration of the data collection with other essential information (Channel, Retailer, Receipt information, specific questions to the purchasing manager). The data collection is continuous and therefore allows studying the evolution of purchasing behaviors over time, providing a complete interpretation of the behavior of Italian families. 

Italian Berry - All rights reserved

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