22 May 2024

Registration now open for the third 'Blueberry Leadership' programme


Applications are now open for the third edition of the Blueberry Leadership Program, an advanced training program developed by USHBC to elevate up-and-coming leaders in the berry industry. 

Limited Enrollment

The program will accept up to 10 talented and passionate professionals from across the supply chain to become the third group of participants.

The training, unique in the berry industry, is designed to help participants develop their leadership skills, learn from industry leaders with decades of experience, and expand their network of contacts. Professional development within the sector is a priority, as members of the berry industry work together to make blueberries the number one berry in terms of sales volume and premium value. Participants in the program will lead the industry into its next period of growth.

The Blueberry Industry Leadership Program, launched in March 2021, is designed to provide in-depth training, industry education, and connections with other agricultural leaders for passionate blueberry professionals across the supply chain.

Goals and Program

What participants will experience and learn:

  • Immersive personalized leadership training
  • Knowledge sharing from industry veterans and thought leaders
  • Insights on innovation and technology
  • Impacts of advancements in health and nutrition
  • Presentation and media training
  • How to build business relationships and activate your network within the industry
  • Networking among participants to create a lifelong support network


The third edition of the leadership program will kick off in September at the Blueberry Summit in Denver, Colorado, and continue through the following year, adopting an interactive approach to leadership development through hands-on training, immersive learning experiences, engagement with key industry players, and knowledge of various components of the produce supply chain. Participants will take part both virtually and in person, traveling four times throughout the curriculum between September 2024 and September 2025, with a graduation ceremony taking place at the 2025 Blueberry Summit.


USHBC is seeking candidates who are up-and-coming leaders, hold a mid-level management position, and have a minimum of five years of experience in agriculture, with preference given to those who have worked in the blueberry industry. Potential participants can visit the USHBC website to learn more. For additional information or questions, please contact Amanda Griffin, CMP, IOM, Vice President of Engagement and Education at USHBC.

Image by freepik

Italian Berry - All rights reserved


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