13 Aug 2024

Raspberries, prices rise (+22.5%) and Italian households' consumption falls


The data from Italian Berry - GfK on raspberry consumption by Italian households analyzed here refers to the period from 01/07/2023 to 30/06/2024. Comparisons are based on the previous 12-month period.

Decline in penetration and purchasing households

Among the 25.85 million Italian households, penetration (percentage of households purchasing raspberries at least once a year) for raspberries stands at 12.25% (-5.0% compared to the previous period). Over the last four years, penetration has fluctuated around 11-13%.

The repeat purchase rate (percentage of purchasing households buying raspberries at least twice a year) has decreased over the last three years from 58% to 53%.

The total number of households purchasing raspberries is therefore 3.17 million (-4.1%).


The weight of raspberries in the shopping basket has been progressively declining in recent years. For example, the share of raspberry purchases by volume compared to the berry category (excluding strawberries) has decreased from 18-20% four years ago to 13-14% in the last two years.

The same trend applies to the value share, which has decreased from 21-23% to 17% over the same period.

Annual consumption at 2,000 tons

Italian households purchase raspberries 3.74 times a year (+12.0% compared to the previous period), buying an average of 0.17 kg per trip (-13.2%).

With a total purchasing household base of 3.17 million, the total volume of raspberries purchased in Italy amounts to 1,970 tons.

Over the last 12 months, consumption has decreased almost to the levels of four years ago; after an 11% increase between 2021 and 2022, the last three years have seen a steady decline in the quantity of raspberries purchased by Italian households.

Rising prices (+22.5%)

The average price for the period was 18.05 EUR/kg (+22.5% compared to the previous period), with an increasing trend over the last four years.

The overall raspberry market in Italy is therefore worth EUR 35.6 million.

Volume1.97000 tons-6.7%
Value35.57million €+14.3%

Increase in average spending per trip

53.36% of Italian households that purchase raspberries make repeat purchases, i.e., more than once a year.

The spending on raspberries by Italian purchasing households amounts to 11.23 EUR (+19.1% compared to the previous period), corresponding to 0.62 kg (-2.8%).

The average spending on raspberries per purchase trip is 3.00 EUR (+6.4% compared to the previous period).

Repeat Purchase53.36%-2.6%

The GfK panel data is collected using the HomeScan methodology, which allows for optical reading of EAN codes, as well as integrating the data with other key information (Channel, Store, Receipt information, specific questions to the purchasing manager). The data is collected continuously, allowing for the study of purchasing behavior trends over time and providing a comprehensive interpretation of Italian household behavior.

Image by wirestock on Freepik

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