19 Nov 2021
Thetrade and production of blueberries is expanding globally as product development raises its profile in form and function. Acclaimed for its flavour, versatility and health benefits, consumption of blueberries has expanded beyond fresh, ranging from pureed to powdered forms. bl...
15 Nov 2021
I prezzi dei mirtilli nei supermercati Walmart, Carrefour, Albert Heijn, Tesco, Rewe, Woolworths, Mercadona, Coop CH, Fairprice, Sainsbury's, Kroger, Interspar, Intermarché.
11 Nov 2021
Il mirtillo è il frutto di maggior successo negli ultimi anni. La sua offerta e la sua domanda aumentano di anno in anno ed è diventata globale, essendo presente in tutti i continenti. Questo ha portato a una concorrenza feroce tra i fornitori, che sta diventando sempre più difficile. Un'altra sfida sono le richieste del […]
10 Nov 2021
US Highbush Blueberry Council ha lanciato un piano strategico in America per promuovere i consumi di mirtilli a livello nazionale e mondiale.Lo scopo è rendere i mirtilli la bacca preferita al mondo e di conseguenza quella più venduta e consumata. La realizzazzione di tutto ciò, secondo il piano strategico avviene attraverso la conduzione di programmi […]
02 Nov 2021
Gentile Group launches its own brand Fruttini italiani® to enhance a premium product dedicated to berries. Loris Gentile, founding partner of the Cooperativa Gentile Group, told the origins of the new brand in an exclusive interview with Italian Berry .
How did...
01 Nov 2021
27 Oct 2021
The first day of the Canadian Haskap Symposium is behind us. The event, organised by CRAAQ, was scheduled for two Wednesdays - 20 and 27 October. During the first block there were several interesting talks. One of them was delivered jointly by Alena Chernenko from Severnyi Sad and Artem Sorokin f...
26 Oct 2021
Blue Royal is the new name for New Zealand's berries . The team behind the premium brand has promised to offer consumers "super-tasty, super-sized" blueberries .
"You'll be able to immediately distinguish a Blue Royal from the others blueberries," said Blue Royal's glo...
23 Oct 2021
The Spanish cooperative Cuna de Platero presented at Fruit Attracion 2021 its own variety of blueberry 'Cupla' and announced that it is available to all growers who wish to grow and market it.
As Francisco José Gómez Macías, President of Cuna de P...
22 Oct 2021
Hort Innovation Australia collects industry income data on Australian berry crops-strawberries, blueberries and rubus type berries (raspberries and blackberries).