29 Dec 2021

Ponso: OP Joinfruit targets 30 hectares of berries


The Cuneo-based Op Joinfruit of Verzuolo, after a 2021 campaign that closed positively (more than one million euros of turnover between blueberries and raspberries), outlines interesting prospects also for 2022.

The increase in the area involved foreseen for 2021 is 8 hectares (of which 4 of blueberries, 3.5 of raspberries and half of blackberries, with relative rain and hail protection), a growth that will allow Joinfruit to reach a total area of around 30 hectares cultivated with small red berries in the soil and to give further impetus to a sector that is one of the most fermenting in the fruit and vegetable sector, with a consistent increase in production both in Italy and in other European countries.

"The specific microclimate of the Cuneo piedmont area,' explains Michele Ponso, vice-president of Op Joinfruit and president of Ponso Cooperativa agricola di Saluzzo, which brings together most of the group's small fruit producers, 'is well suited to growing red fruits in soil: the night-time temperature range gives blueberries, raspberries and blackberries intense colour, sweetness and juiciness, while the naturally acidic soil of the hilly areas close to the woods is the ideal habitat for blueberries, which historically grew wild here. The area of the province of Cuneo is an area suited to the cultivation of small red berries, in fact it accounts for 80% of the areas invested in these crops in Piedmont."

Objective: excellent quality

Jointfruit's objective is to offer consumers blueberries, raspberries and blackberries of excellent quality, both through the correct selection of size, colour and quality of the individual fruits, and through varietal programming that allows the marketing period to be extended. The new blueberry plantings will be of Duke, with 75% medium-late varieties, while for raspberries, the new plantings will be of Clarita re-blossoming type and also of other uniform varieties, in order to extend the harvesting and supply period on the markets from May until early December. For blackberries, on the other hand, three varieties: Loch Tay, Lochness and Chester, in order to lengthen the marketing period.

Continue reading on myfrui.it with the challenges for Michele Ponso and the opportunities according to Op Joinfruit Director Bruno Sacchi:

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