18 Apr 2023

Pasquini & Bini: for 60 years the pots for growing blueberries


The cultivation pot guarantees an increase in production yield.

Thanks to the cultivation pot, you can have:

  • Limited water use (about 1/10 compared to production in soil)
  • PH control
  • Healtieri and stronger root system growth with greater yield
  • Humidity, stagnation, fertilizers and nutrients control
  • Less environmental impact for a reduced use of chemical products
Pasquini&Bini logo.

With more than 60 years  of history and passion for the world of plants,  Pasquini&Bini  is a main point of reference for the production of cultivation pots.

We dedicate the utmost care to production processes and innovation. Among our best performing, high quality products, Eracle and Super - Eracle are the best pots for soilless blueberry cultivation.


We look forward to introduce you all our products on May 3/4/5 at booth 73 Hall A1.

VISIT OUR WEBSITE(www.pasquiniebini.com)

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