04 May 2020



Italian consumer interest in raspberries, and berries in general, is growing. The 2006-2015 consumption of berries in the world rose from 600 million to 1,300 million in value. And a further doubling is expected by 2020 (covid 19 situation permitting).

At the same time, farmers are becoming more and more attracted to the cultivation of raspberries and various berries or berries. The world production of raspberries in 2019, according to Faostat data, was 870,209 tons (in 2017 it was 812,735 tons and in 2007 it was 118,219 tons) on a productive area of 124,971 hectares. A decidedly positive trend. At the moment Russia is the world leader with 165,800 tons on an area of 26,273 hectares: about 18% of the entire global production. Mexico follows with 130,187 tons, Serbia with 127,010 tons and Poland with 115,613 tons. Italy ranks 22nd with about 2,000 tons and over 350 hectares cultivated.

To go deeper:

  • Situation Trentino - South Tyrol (interview with Lara Giongo, researcher of the E. Mach Foundation)
  • Which varieties of raspberries to choose
  • Critical factors of raspberry cultivation, with interviews with Vivai Molari and Battistini Nurseries

continue reading on Plantgest

Photo: Raspberry Halley (Molari Nurseries)

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