21 Mar 2024

Strawberry Retail Monitor in Bologna showing 24 brands on the shelves and prices from 3 to 11 Euro/kg


During the most recent survey of the Strawberry Retail Monitor, carried out by Italian Berry in 7 large-scale retail outlets in Bologna on 19/3/2023, the following emerged

  • origin is almost exclusively Italian, with only 2 packages from Spain out of 31 sampled;
  • the 500 g format prevails, although smaller formats are also found: 
    • 250 g from Carrefour, Esselunga and Lidl, 
    • 300 g from Aldi, Carrefour, Ipercoop,
    • 400 g at Aldi and Lidl.
  • The 1000 g pack was on offer at Carrefour, Esselunga and Lidl
  • The variety was indicated on the label in 71% of the samples
  • The varieties were indicated on the label as: Sayra, Inspire, Sabrosa, Parthenope, Rossetta, Fortuna, Marimbella, Asia, Melissa
  • Organic accounted for 9.6% of the samples detected
  • Premium represents 6.4% of the samples detected
  • 19 packers and 24 brands were detected
  • Prices per kg ranged from a minimum of Eur 3.58 to a maximum of Eur 11.56
  • Visual quality was also questionable on average due to the presence of production batches dated up to 4 days earlier
  • Only two out of 7 supermarkets had strawberries in refrigerated displays

The full service is available on subscription and provides weekly 25 parameters of the strawberry assortment in different Italian cities on a rotating basis.

Italian Berry - All right reserved

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