09 Jun 2023

Small fruits: an analysis of plantings in northern Italy


On 15 March, the book 'Organic and Integrated Cultivation of Small Fruits, Experiences in North Italian Plants' published by EAI was published.

The book 'Organic and Integrated Cultivation of Small Fruits' deals in depth with the fascinating world of small fruits, such as raspberries, blackberries, currants, gooseberries, blueberries and many other lesser-known species such as lonicera and wild strawberries. Although these plants are selections, hybrids or botanical species that differ from their wild counterparts and come from other regions and continents, they share the exceptional naturalness of cultivation practices and the excellent organoleptic quality of the fruit.

The authors highlight how the soil, climatic and socio-economic conditions in northern Italy, particularly in the foothills, are particularly suitable for growing small fruit. However, it is pointed out to the reader that today there are also ample opportunities in the lowlands, especially in peri-urban areas and in urban agriculture. These crops are suitable for both large areas and small numbers of plants, meeting the needs of both large-scale producers and households for home consumption.

The book highlights the keys to success in the sustainable cultivation of small fruits that have proven to be successful in recent years: a thorough knowledge of soil characteristics, climatic and microclimatic conditions, as well as the judicious choice of the most suitable species and cultivars. In addition, the importance of using high quality organic materials and the use of beneficial microorganisms to promote plant health and optimal fruit production is emphasised.

Michele Ghezzi and Nicola Noe convey in a clear and concise manner the evolution and current status of the small fruit market, highlighting not only their taste and nutritional qualities, but also their evolutionary history in the context and current challenges related to sustainable cultivation. This is also thanks to the extensive scientific knowledge base. The book offers a comprehensive analysis of the cultivation practices, environmental factors and agronomic techniques required to achieve the best results in small fruit production.

To buy the book contact directly:

Michele Ghezzi e Nicola Noè

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