19 Jan 2024

Two new Southerh Highbush blueberry varieties released in Florida for 2025


The University of Florida Blueberry Breeding Program has released two new Southern Highbush blueberry cultivars that are expected to be available to growers in 2025. These cultivars were selected for the evergreen production system and have performed well in farm trials in both Central and South Florida. Both are early producers with very high yields, very firm fruit, excellent flavor and good evergreen foliage. The new varieties are "FL17-141" and "FL19-006."

FL 17-141

"FL 17-141" is a vigorous, very high-yielding early-season cultivar suitable for evergreen production systems with no disease or pest problems. Very high yields have been documented in South Florida with the evergreen system for several years. Fruits are large, very firm, with a high waxy bloom and long postharvest life.

FL 19-006

"FL 19-006" is a vigorous, high-yielding cultivar for evergreen production systems with no disease or pest problems. The fruits are giant in size, very sweet and firm, with high flowering and long post-harvest life.

Srouce: Florida Blueberry Growers

Italian Berry - All rights reserved

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