18 Aug 2021



Matteo Molari, managing partner of Molari Berries & Breeding, will be a speaker at Italian Berry Day with a topic that aims to raise the bar in the relationship between the berries supply chain and the consumer.

What is the mechanism that the fruit and vegetable department can activate to connect the consumer, with his tastes, to the product?

Italy is the country of fruit and vegetables: high quality, exports, volumes that are rising driven by some categories in particular. When they find themselves in front of the supermarket shelf, or at their local greengrocer's, for years consumers have been able to distinguish a Kaiser pear from a Williams or a Stark apple from a Fuji and varieties are now the real anchor point for consumers who can choose what best suits their tastes.

Are there experiences in the category of berries as well?

In the berries category, there is no doubt that the theme of variety on the label is driven by strawberries, with excellent examples from Candonga® to the latest arrival Rossetta®. But when was the last time you read, on the back of the basket, the variety of raspberries you were buying?

A pack of Enrosadira raspberries in 'I frutti di Gil' brand packaging

Is there a basis for extending the presence of the variety name on the label to other berries?

Perhaps the time has come to work together, the whole supply chain, to ensure that this good, healthy habit does not remain a breeder's habit. By now we can say it, there are raspberries and raspberries. The taste of Kwanza® is different from Adelita® which is, in turn, different from Enrosadira®. A simple blind panel test is enough to bring out clear and distinct results and it is enough to look beyond the borders, at virtuous examples such as the British or Polish ones, to understand that the variety on the label is able to bring numerous advantages to all players in the chain.

So shall we meet in Rimini to talk about it together?

To find out more about the advantages, get to know some examples and learn more about a subject that has been close to our hearts at Molari Berries & Breeding for several years, see you at theItalian Berry Day Wednesday 8 September!

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