Today sees the debut of the new service focusing on strawberries during their important spring season.
Following the model of the Small Fruit Observatory, the new service will cover awide range of characteristics of the strawberryassortment : net weight, variety, brand, packer, price, market segment.
External quality , stock size and whether the product is on promotion are also noted.
The information is completed by the batch code on the packaging, an important indicator of product freshness and stock rotation speed.

The first survey was conducted on 8 February 2022 in 7 shops in Piacenza: Aldi, Conad, Esselunga, Eurospin, Gulliver, Ipercoop and Lidl.
Both Spanish and Italian products emerge, with prices per kg ranging from Eur 4.98/kg (500g at Eurospin) to Eur 9.76 (Melissa at Ipercoop), with the peak of Eur 13.27/kg for organic in 300g at Esselunga.
The quality is generally good, apart from two poor quality batches of Spanish origin on sale at Eurospin. There are no premium lines. The declared varieties are Fortuna, Regina, Melissa, but most of the labels do not indicate the variety.
Gulliver also offers product packaged in open baskets of around 600g sold by weight. Italian suppliers dominate (with Italian and Spanish products); while directly from Spain only Fres Donarosa and Onubafruit are present.
Other data available by subscription only:
- prices of individual references
- the suppliers of each point of sale
- the brands on the shelves
- which brands have the best quality
- the provenance used by each supplier
- the segments: standard, premium, organic
To subscribe, contact myfruit
Photo: myfruit
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