29 Jul 2023

Peru exports decrease: Proarándanos estimates -15% compared to 2022


Peru has exported 7,127 tons of fresh blueberries since May, a 9% decrease compared to the previous season.

The Peruvian association Proarándanos sees a high probability that the volume exported this season will end up below the previous season.

From May, when the current blueberry season began, until mid-July, 7,127 tons of fresh fruit were exported, a volume lower than at the start of the last season. Of this total, 88% was shipped by sea, while 10% was sent by air.

Regarding organic blueberries, they currently represent 7% of the total exported, approximately 500 tons. It should be added that the exports recorded so far represent a decrease compared to the volume initially expected by the association.

The main reason is Peru's atypical weather due to the El Niño phenomenon, which has caused temperatures to rise by 4°C to 5°C compared to the average of the last 25 years. This increase is having a significant impact on the production of some blueberry varieties due to the lack of lower temperature accumulation for production.

Luis Miguel Vegas, director of Proarándanos, emphasizes that "if the varieties that have been delayed due to the atypical weather do not recover later, we see a high probability that the volume for the current season will decrease by 10% to 15% compared to the previous season."

"Even though the volume for this season is expected to be lower, we expect to maintain a steady supply to our destination markets thanks to the ample offer coming from different regions that have responded well to climate changes."

Luis Miguel Vegas, direttore di Proarándanos.
Luis Miguel Vegas

USA primary destination 

To date, the United States is the primary destination, accounting for 32% of total exports, with 2,218 tons; followed by China with 22%, equivalent to 1,541 tons; Europe (excluding the UK), 19% with 1,339 tons; the UK, 13% with 893 tons. Other destinations represent 14% with 980 tons.

In the current season, at the departmental level, La Libertad has been the leading productive region contributing to exports with 50% of the volume. It is followed by Ancash with 14%, Lambayeque with 12%, Piura with 10%, Lima with 10%, Ica with 3%, and Moquegua with 1%.

Priority to new markets 

Access to new markets is a priority for the blueberry industry in Peru. Promotional, commercial, and health efforts in recent years have led to the opening of markets in Taiwan (2020), India, Malaysia (2021), and Israel (2022). Other markets such as Indonesia, South Korea, Vietnam, Japan, New Zealand, and Ecuador are currently in the process of opening.

Source: Blueberries Consulting
Blueberries Consulting is part of the Italian Berry global network.

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