02 Nov 2022



The third Morocco Berry Conference returns to its original live format: how should fresh berry companies deal with the post-pandemic world? And how should they adapt to a new business reality where consumer demand is under pressure and resources are scarce?

Top industry experts, including Amine Bennani (Morocco Berry Growers Assocaition), Michel Kaczmarek (commercial director of Fall Creek Farm and Nursery), Massimo Bellotti (foreign sales director of Carton Pack S.p.A.), Dr. Richard Bastias (associate professor of fruit-growing at the Faculty of Agronomy, University of Concepcion) and Maria Perez (plant breeding manager, blueberries and global consultant for blueberries at Planasa - Spain) will share their views on the evolution of the sector and other challenges for the category during the Morocco Berry Conference, to be held in Agadir on November 9 and 10, 2022.

Organized by Green Smile and Hortitool Consulting, Morocco Berry Conference offers delegates the time and space to learn about the latest trends in the berry industry in commercial and packaging, technology and environment, production research and plant breeding.

At the Agadir event, you can meet experts and key players in the industry and discover valuable information, all within the speakers, exhibition and networking areas of the event.

Morocco Berry Conference 2022


Other confirmed speakers include:

  • Edward Velasco: Manager of Rodanto Ltd and Director of GVB Sarl,
  • Turgut Aysan : President of Safir Berry, Turkey
  • Shota Tsukoshivili: Berries value chain manager -USAID Georgia
  • Gonçalo Fonseca: Sales director for Iberia and the Mediterranean of Kekkila-BVB.
  • Tommaso Barbagli: Wageningen University and Research Water and Nutrient Team Greenhouse Horticulture Task Force
  • Juan Antonio García Ruiz : Country manager of Kimitec,
  • Jean Michel Raynaud: CEO Maf Roda Maroc
  • Fiona Turner : Bitwise Agronomy - CEO and co-founder
  • Marko Kokanovic: co-founder and CEO of BSK Air Technologies
  • Hannelie Human: Lecturer the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences,University of Pretoria.
  • Philippe Alléau: head of the ATP Council.
  • Jesus Morales : Fall Creek global applied research manager.
  • Oleg Daugovish: agricultural consultant atUCCE-Ventura.
  • Bertus Meijer : breeder and R&D manager for Advanced Berry Breeding.
  • Geert de Weert : breeder and co-founder of ABB.

Italian Berry is a media partner of the event.

Download the full program in English or French here.

Click here to request information and register for the event.

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