25 Aug 2021



Vaccinium corymbosum - Plant patent US patent US20130239265P1

Blue Ribbon is a variety of blueberry registered in the USA in 2012 under the name of Fall Creek Farm and Nursery.

Blue Ribbon was bred in Lowell, Oregon in 2005. This variety of blueberry originated from a 2002controlled cross-pollination of G344 (pollen parent, unpatented) from Toro (female parent, unpatented). The seedling was first selected from a high-density field planting in the summer of 2005 and has been planted in replicated trials since 2008.

In the patent application, Blue Ribbon was described as 'a commercial variety intended for the hand-picking market. The variety produces a large berry with exceptional flavour and crispness. Blue Ribbon is an early to mid-season variety, maturing after Duke but before Draper, and produces high yields of excellent quality fruit with good shelf life after harvest. The plant is vigorous, with a semi-erect to expansive growth habit, and an estimated 800- to 1000-hour chill requirement."

Following commercial release, Fall Creek now describes the variety as follows: 'Blue Ribbon is a Northern Highbush /Southern Highbush hybrid and is capable of producing in cold climates as well as in much warmer climates. A medium to late maturing variety for southern Spain, Blue Ribbon is a high yielding variety that produces aromatic, light blue, pumpkin-shaped, crunchy berries with excellent resistance to high temperatures. We recommend regular pruning of the side branches to encourage vertical growth. We recommend this variety in the south of the Iberian Peninsula and in Morocco to extend the season with a very high quality fruit. Hours of cold - 200 or less."

Main features:

  • Use for the fresh market
  • Light blue berries, very firm, sweet, aromatic
  • Plant habit: open, long sides
  • Medium to late seasonality

According to data collected by Fall Creek, Blue Ribbon compares favourably with other varieties maturing at the same time:

  • Taste: better than Legacy, comparable to Miss Jackie
  • Hardness: much better than Legacy, comparable to Miss Jackie
  • Calibre: superior to Legacy and Miss Jackie
  • Production yield: comparable to Legacy, better than Miss Jackie

Blue Ribbon plants are marketed exclusively by Fall Creek under the 'open catalogue' scheme:

  • the royalty on the plant is paid only once upon purchase,
  • there are no royalties on production,
  • there are no marketing constraints,
  • propagation is prohibited.

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