25 Jul 2023

Increase in references for blueberries but price drop in week 30/2023


Italian Berry Global Blueberry Prices Index for the week of 24/07/2023 decreased by 1.2% compared to the previous week. The index consists of 14 global retail chains, 13 of which had products on offer in the survey on 24/07/2023.

The 14 retail chains that make up the weekly panel are: Albert Heijn (NL), Carrefour (FR), Coop (CH), FairPrice (SG), Intermarches (FR), Interspar (AT), Kroger (US), Mercadona (ES), Rewe (DE), Sainsbury’s (UK), Tesco (UK), Walmart (US), Woolworths (AU), ICA (SE).

The assortment for this week includes 51 references in 13 global retail chains, with an average of 3.9 references per chain. In the previous week, 47 references in 14 chains were surveyed (average 3.4 references per chain). The total number of references has increased by 9% compared to the previous week.

  • On 4% of the references, price increases were recorded, with prices increased by 26% compared to the previous week.
  • On 76% of the references, stable prices were recorded compared to the previous week.
  • On 20% of the references, price decreases were recorded, with prices decreased by 14% compared to the previous week.

Minimum prices are predominantly stable this week: out of 13 global retail chains, 69% kept the minimum prices of the blueberry assortment stable, 8% increased them, while 23% decreased the minimum prices compared to the previous week.

Maximum prices are predominantly stable this week: out of 13 global retail chains, 62% kept the maximum prices of the blueberry assortment stable, 8% increased them, while 31% decreased the maximum prices compared to the previous week.

Blueberries: Minimum and Maximum Prices by Retailer

Retailer Minimum Price €/kg Maximum Price €/kg 
Albert Heijn (NL)€ 9,98€ 19,95
Carrefour (FR)€ 9,96€ 27,92
Coop (CH)€ 11,47€ 41,36
FairPrice (SG)€ 19,57€ 58,55
ICA (SE)€ 22,17€ 22,17
Intermarche (FR)

Interspar (AT)€ 8,73€ 22,32
Kroger (US)€ 6,94€ 18,51
Mercadona (ES)€ 12,84€ 12,84
Rewe (DE)€ 8,98€ 13,45
Sainsbury’s (UK)€ 10,41€ 19,28
Tesco (UK)€ 8,24€ 20,05
Walmart (US)€ 7,85€ 15,82
Woolworths (AU)€ 23,81€ 23,81
Total€ 6,94€ 58,55

Mirtilli: Prezzo minimo e massimo per formato

€/kg min€/kg max
1000 g€ 9,99€ 12,99
125 g€ 8,24€ 58,57
150 g€ 12,27€ 41,36
170 g€ 18,51€ 18,51
180 g€ 28,67€ 28,67
200 g€ 13,45€ 37,12
225 g€ 12,84€ 12,84
250 g€ 9,96€ 24,81
283 g€ 15,82€ 15,82
290 g€ 22,72€ 22,72
300 g€ 10,99€ 27,63
310 g€ 19,57€ 19,57
312 g€ 8,01€ 8,01
400 g€ 8,73€ 11,47
454 g€ 6,94€ 6,94
500 g€ 8,98€ 13,98
510 g€ 7,06€ 12,36
Total€ 6,94€ 58,57

Blueberries: ALL Prices for the Week by Size and Retailer 

Retailer Weight Price €/kgNoteOrigin 
Walmart (US)312 gUSD 2,77€ 8,01Standard
Walmart (US)510 gUSD 4,44€ 7,85Standard
Walmart (US)283 gUSD 4,97€ 15,82Standard
Carrefour (FR)125 gEUR 2,99€ 23,92Organic
Carrefour (FR)500 gEUR 6,99€ 13,98StandardFrance
Walmart (US)[subscription only]
€ 9,16Organic 
[subscription only]

USD 3,48€ 6,54[subscription only]

Carrefour (FR)125 g[subscription only]


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Online Retail GDO Prices Italy (12 retail chains) + Global GDO Prices (13 retail chains): 8 reports per month (2 per week)

Starting from €14.99 at month 

Data Collection Date: 24/07/2023

Photo: Walmart Meadville

All rights reserved – Italian Berry – CC BY License

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