The iconic fruit of Macfrut 2023 will be blueberry, the star of a world event at the fair: International Blueberry Days to be held in Rimini May 3-5, 2023.

The event was presented at a press conference in Rhiyad, Saudi Arabia, to a large audience that participated both in attendance and online.

The program is spread over three days with top international technical and scientific experts as well as major global players including the American Driscoll's , number one in production, and the Australian Costa Group , a leader in breeding.
Technical tours, test field and high school complete this event coordinated by Prof. Bruno Mezzetti of Marche Polytechnic University together with Thomas Drahorad of NCX Drahorad.

Prof. Mezzetti told Italian Berry that "this event represents a unique event at the European level for the blueberries supply chain, both in terms of the quality of the international speakers and the all-round approach: in fact, from the technical point of view, it will start with schools in the field for updating and training agronomists and researchers; the program will then continue with a full day dedicated to an international technical scientific symposium with projects and updates from the main global knowledge hubs, both public and private."

Thomas Drahorad is coordinator of the "Global Players" day, which he calls "an appointment with leading global manufacturing and marketing companies to provide attendees with qualified insight into the key trends driving the evolution of the industry, as well as a unique opportunity for networking and B2B meetings."
The test field will be another distinguishing feature of International Blueberry Days: in fact, "an indoor demonstration plant will be set up in the Rimini exhibition spaces that will present live blueberries production in all its components, from plants to substrates, from pots to covers, and all the elements necessary for modern production focused on quality, cost control and sustainability," Thomas Drahorad pointed out.
Renzo Piraccini, President of Cesena Fiera, defined the event as a clear signal that "the 40th anniversary edition of Macfrut will be theedition of leadership. In fact, we accept the challenge launched by Maeci through Ice-Agenzia: we have set ourselves very ambitious goals in terms of dimensional growth and internationalization to characterize Macfrut as an international event rich in content and business opportunities. International Blueberry Days, with the blueberry symbolic fruit of the 2023 edition and the focus on a fast-growing supply chain also in Italy, represents a key moment of this strategy."