23 Apr 2022

"Production techniques for high quality blueberries" course


In order to meet the training needs of blueberries growers, Green Smile is organising the second edition of its extensive training course BLUEBERRIES MAROCCO: "Production techniques of blueberryto obtain high quality fruit".

This high-level training will be held by Sebastián Ochoa, an international consultant who is considered one of the world's best specialists in the cultivation of blueberry. Roger Horak, founder and CEO of United Exports and co-founder of OZblu said, "Sebastián is one of the most qualified and respected professionals in the blueberryindustry worldwide."

This training is designed to help participants achieve a good level of technical performance in the cultivation of blueberry, both in soil and in substrate.

The course includes theoretical lessons and practical demonstrations and will be held in Spanish with simultaneous translation into French and English.

The course will take place in person on 24 and 25 May 2022 at the Royal Atlas Hotel in Agadir (Morocco).

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