UNITEC's Blueberry Vision 3 is the latest result of the most in-depth research into the classification of the quality of blueberries and is the evolution of Blueberry Vision 2 which was the first technology in the world capable of viewing 100% of the surface of each blueberry.
Blueberry Vision 3 is equipped with the most advanced cameras that allow even better and more accurate classification of fruit qualities than Blueberry Vision 2. The new cameras in Blueberry Vision 3 classify blueberries on the basis of a number of independent parameters - internal quality (soft fruit), external quality, shape defects, as well as optical size and colour - with high precision and in a variety of combinations, thus creating a number of quality classes that meet the different tastes of consumers and the various requirements of product destination and distribution.
Many are the benefits experienced by the fruit and vegetable plants that have chosen to adopt UNITEC processing lines equipped with Blueberry Vision 3 technology.
First and foremost, unprecedented delicacy in the treatment of the fruit combined with a significant increase in production efficiency.
Secondly, it minimises disputes due to discrepancies between the product agreed with the distributor and the product actually delivered. This is possible thanks to Blueberry Vision 3's ability to help the operator accurately and consistently make the right allocations of different fruit quality classes.
This is combined with a reduction in the number of staff employed on Blueberry Vision 3 equipped lines due to the high level of plant automation, leading to a consequent reduction in labour costs.
Blueberry Vision 3 also supports theopening of new export outlets, even in markets far away from the place of production and processing that require very high quality standards, by allowing a product of uniform quality within and between packs.
Research and innovation have always accompanied UNITEC on its journey towards excellence with the aim of building concrete results for customers all over the world. The attention to the needs of the market and the search for solutions to increase the efficiency and reduce the costs of fruit and vegetable processing are the basis of its mission. UNITEC's innovation has never been an end in itself but has always been driven by the desire to give concrete answers to real market needs, through strong specialisation. Thanks to the reliable quality classification of Blueberry Vision 3, the fruit and vegetable plant can guarantee the large-scale retail trade and all its customers a product of consistent quality with every delivery and in full compliance with the standards established between the parties, thus helping to generate loyalty among the end consumer in the long term, with consequent benefits for the entire branch thanks to a certain increase in consumption.

UNITEC, specialised in the design and implementation of innovative technological solutions for processing, grading, quality classification and packaging of fresh fruit and vegetables, has been committed to improving the quality of fruit and vegetable processing for 97 years in the more than 65 countries where it operates. UNITEC's Research and Development Team has developed over the years advanced technologies and vision systems to ensure accuracy and reliability in classifying the quality of over 35 types of fresh fruits and vegetables.