23 Sep 2021



Research reports from around the world have recently been published confirming that post-harvest treatment of fresh fruit and vegetables with UV (ultra-violet light) helps to extend shelf life . Young mould, such as Botrytis, can be deactivated without chemicals. It does not make the berries sterile, but it does extend the time a product can be sold on the market: the treatment makes the fruit or products stronger. This applies to outdoor cultivation, but also to indoor cultivation.

The Dutch company CleanLight has already installed similar systems for strawberries, blueberries, peppers, nectarines, peaches, apples, pears, tomatoes and flower bulbs. In Europe, North America, South America and Africa. So we ask their director, Arne Aiking, some technical questions:

Arne Aiking, Managing Director of CleanLight
  1. Where can we treat berries with UV? The best place is to treat them while they are rolling on the sorting and packing line. When the berries roll, the germicidal light can reach all sides of the berries.
  2. Which pathogens can be controlled? All contaminants that can be found on the surface, such as mould or Botrytis, but also human pathogens like e.coli, Listeria, etc.
  3. How can we process berries? A CleanLight UV hood can be placed on an existing processing line, such as Maf Roda, Aweta, Elifab, Tomra, Unitec and others.
  4. How long does the treatment take? The lamps we use are very powerful, so two or three seconds is usually enough to kill the pathogens without damaging the fruit.
  5. Is this technology approved for organic farmers? Yes, in the Netherlands SKAL has recognised CleanLight since 2007. We also meet the important food safety requirements of HACCP.
  6. How can we get more information? Ask your preferred supplier of machining equipment, or contact Damian VanDijk at CleanLight: damian@cleanlight.nl +31640395790
  7. What are the main advantages? a) Effective against mould but also against bacteria. b) No liquid. c) No residue. d) No consumption costs.
  8. What does it look like in practice? Take a look at this video:

Italian Berry - All rights reserved

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