02 Jun 2022

The best Quality & Brands according to our exclusive survey


What do consumers find when they look for blueberry? What is the quality of the baskets on sale in retail outlets? Is the product as crispy and sweet as a buyer expects?

A few days before the start of the blueberry season in northern Italy, Italian Berry evaluated the quality of blueberries of some of the leading retail brands: blueberries of the Italian brands Spreafico, Sant'Orsola, Peviani, Fogliati, Garden Frutta, Calliari and the Spanish packers Onubafruit and Socomo were purchased.

For each sample, sizeparameters (minimum, medium and maximum) and hardness wereanalysed. Descriptive sample parameters such as packer and brand were also measured.

The report is accompanied by photographs of each package detailing the label, the product as it appears when the package is opened and unpacked, and any defects.

The full document(72 pages with 10 product sheets, 60 images and 1 summary diagram) is available as a free download:



The survey is only of descriptive value and the sample cannot be considered representative, nor suitable for drawing general conclusions on the aspects represented.

Purchases were made at retail outlets in the Modena area, choosing a basket at random from those displayed on the shelves. Stores of retailers Coop, Conad, Eurospin, PAM, Lidl, Carrefour, Despar, Dpiù were visited.

All rights reserved - Italian Berry CC BY License

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