12 May 2023

Berries, in Italy more loved than bought


According to a survey conducted by CNR-IBE as part of the European Breeding Value project, berries holds a very high position in the preferences of Italian consumers.

In fact, in the ranking of favorite fruits, the top three berries in the category all rank within the top 10 places: in detail, we find raspberry, blueberry and blackberry between the fifth and seventh places. In these positions they surpass fruits that are part of the traditional basket of Italian households such as orange, apple, grape and banana.

On the other hand, this preference is not matched by an adequate sales ranking, which sees berries still relegated to a corner of the shelves of Italian retail stores.

What are the obstacles preventing Italian consumers from materializing their preferences for berries and turning a virtual ranking into concrete acts of purchase?

Several factors contribute to this rift between desires and reality: retail prices are among the highest in Europe, the product on the shelves is often not to the highest standards, the still relatively low rotation causes shelf-life and spoilage problems, and communication to the consumer is still absent.

There is often a correlation between these elements (prices and quality), and not infrequently consumers are dissatisfied with their purchases.

The challenge, therefore, is to ride this ranking and make it translate into increased revenues for the category of berries. So far, the results have fallen short of the expectations of both consumers and distribution and production operators.


  1. Cherry
  2. Fishing
  3. Strawberry
  4. Apricot
  5. raspberry
  6. blueberry
  7. Mora
  8. Orange
  9. Watermelon
  10. Grapes
  11. Pineapple
  12. Apple
  13. Banana
  14. Plum
  15. Pear
  16. Kiwi
  17. Pomegranate
  18. Grapefruit

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