12 Jan 2020



Vaccinium corymbosum - US plant patent USPP10035P

Ozarkblue is a variety of blueberry registered in the USA in 1996 by the University of Arkansas. A new and distinct variety of blueberry that originated from seeds produced by a hand-pollinated cross of USDA Selection G-144 (non-patented) and Florida Selection 4-76 (non-patented). This new variety of blueberry isdistinguished by its high productivity, large fruit size, late ripening, long maturity period, small pedicel scar, good colour and fruit texture. Ozarkblue is an interspecific hybrid, derived from crossing three Vaccinium species. They are 13/16 V. corymbosum L., 2/16 V.darrowi Camp, and 1/16 V. ashei Reade. The phenotypic characters of the plant and fruit are predominantly Vaccinium corymbosum L., but it may possess genes for broader environmental and soil adaptability characteristic of its progenitors V. darrowi and V. ashei. (Extract from the plant patentapplication )


Intermediate ripening varieties with high and constant production. The plant has medium-high vigour with low cold requirements and good yield. The fruit is large in size, easy to harvest with good shelf life. High taste qualities, particularly aromatic with a reduced scale maturation (Plantgest).

Variety of blueberry with a low cooling requirement, it enters production quickly with a good yield. The important thing is to choose the location of the plantation in a well-exposed, non-windy area(Battistini Nurseries)

In the assessment of the main varieties of blueberry carried out in 2019 by Agrion (the foundation for research, innovation and technological development of agriculture in Piedmont that has been observing the main varieties of blueberry for years), the characteristics of Ozarblue are summarised as follows:


  • Cultivar with limited cold requirements (800 to 1000 hours)
  • Plant of medium-high vigour with falling habitus.
  • High productivity, easy harvesting.
  • Fruit of spheroidal shape and medium size.
  • Good taste, very aromatic.
  • High bloom.
  • Falling leaves earlier than Brigitta


  • Suitable only for altitudes below 600 m above sea level.

According to Earth and Life, blueberry Ozarkblue is characterised by:


  • Vigorous shrub, enters early into production with very high yields.
  • Fruits of excellent size, constant over the course of the harvest, of good organoleptic quality, particularly aromatic, easy to pick, thanks also to a reduced ripening scale.
  • Great shelf life.


Cultivar with low requirements in cold weather, it requires well exposed areas, little windy, at altitudes of about 300-500 m above sea level.

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