Thedemand for blueberries from Germany remains sustained by the slow increase in supply. The price level is therefore currently higher than in previous years. According to AMI, only the annually increasing import pressure also shows an opposite market trend and indirectly depresses the prices of goods from Germany.
The supply of blueberries is slowly increasing. blueberries from Germany is now being sold more widely in retail food shops. The rain of the past few days is needed because of the permanent drought, and harvesting has to be stopped. Especially in the north, frost damage is now appearing in early varieties, resulting in lower harvest volumes.
In wholesale markets, supply continues to increase and, with generally good demand, the market situation is balanced . However, the price trend is relatively stable and significantly higher than in previous years. At the wholesale markets, blueberries cost €8.70/kg (250 g) at the end of the 28th. This is a good 18 % higher than the previous year and 44 % higher than in 2018.
In week 27 the price increased by more than 8% compared to the previous week. It is also 20% higher than the previous year.

In supermarket flyers the number of promotions on blueberries in week 28 more than doubled compared to the previous week. In the 13 campaigns, the origin Germany is advertised seven times in a range from 10.08 to 19.92 Euro/kg. Portugal, Spain and now Italy continue to appear in the origin mixes.
Due to the high share of imports, including from South-Eastern Europe, the average consumer price in week 27 was lower than in the previous year. However, the price level of German goods for food retail deliveries was higher than in the previous year, but price pressure is still evident in this sector.