20 Jan 2025

Now is the time to prune your Northern Highbush blueberry plants


Are you a Northern Highbush blueberry grower based in the Northern Hemishpere? Now is the right time to start pruning your blueberry plants, an operation that must be carried out every year during the winter.

Proper pruning is essential to prepare the plants in the best conditions to produce quality berries and ensure the grower a sustainable economic outcome.

To perform effective pruning, it is important to use the right tools and know the pruning techniques, which vary depending on the climatic zone, the age of the plant, and the specific part of the plant.

For this purpose, it is necessary to learn how to recognize the different parts of the plant: flower buds, fruit buds, central one-year-old shoots, one-year-old lateral branches, two-year-old lateral branches, branches, and old wood.

Italian Berry guides you step by step through the pruning operations of Northern Highbush blueberries with two tools: a visual guide and a video tutorial, allowing you to easily and intuitively prepare your blueberry plants for optimal flowering and production.

Instructions for Blueberry Pruning

How to Prune Blueberries (tools, techniques, how to recognize the different parts of the plant, when to prune)

Video Tutorial

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