04 May 2022

Delphy IFSC Netherlands opens registration for 2022 Field Day


The Dutch Delphy Innovative Soft Fruit Centre (Delphy ISFC) functions as an accelerator for knowledge development and innovation in soft fruits and as a meeting place for the international soft fruit industry.

The2022 edition of the Delphy ISFC Field Day event will be organised in a unique way, literally in the middle of soft fruit crops and research. This results in a strong connection between knowledge development and distribution. The event is organised in a hands-on environment, close to the needs of the entire supply chain of berries...

The programme will develop three key areas:


In June, there are multiple trials going on at Delphy ISFC concerning all soft fruit crops. The visits will take place several times a day. During these visits, participants can visit the trials and the departments and discuss within the group.


Several seminars will be organised in the conference area. These seminars will be themed as follows:

  1. Sustainable cultivation of berries
  2. Cultivation of blueberries
  3. High-tech cultivation and artificial lighting


At the same time as the presentations we will have a 1600 m2 exhibition. At the exhibition about 75 companies and organisations related to berries will present their latest developments, innovations and services.

The Field Day will take place on Thursday 9 June 2022 at Delphy ISFC, Kreuzelweg 3b, Horst (The Netherlands).

In addition to the Field Day, a Field Trip will be organised on Friday 10 June 2022. During this trip, several interesting and innovative berry farms will be visited. Participation is exclusively for Field Day visitors. More information can be found on the website.






The Delphy Innovative Soft Fruit Centre (Delphy ISFC) functions as an accelerator for knowledge development and innovation in soft fruits, but also as a central meeting place for the international soft fruit industry. It brings together knowledge development and knowledge implementation in a unique way on an international scale. In this way Delphy ISFC links research, innovation and practice in soft fruits.


At Delphy ISFC in Horst, knowledge is developed specifically for berries through research and demonstration of innovations and knowledge development. These activities contribute to an innovative berry sector and help the optimisation of berry cultivation. This is done in the new high-tech greenhouse complex, tunnel systems and propagation fields.


Delphy ISFC develops new knowledge together with different partners. We share this knowledge at (international) events and knowledge days. Everything we do at Delphy ISFC aims to further develop the soft fruit sector. Delphi ISFC is close to research and practice, in order to create the opportunity for a link between research and the soft fruit industry.

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