23 Oct 2021

Cupla, the new early blueberry will be available to all growers


The Spanish cooperative Cuna de Platero presented at Fruit Attracion 2021 its own variety of blueberry 'Cupla' and announced that it is available to all growers who wish to grow and market it.

As Francisco José Gómez Macías, President of Cuna de Platero, explained: "the future of the sector lies in the search for new varieties and qualities and Cuna de Platero is working in this direction.


Francisco José Gómez Macías, President of Cuna de Platero

The cooperative's R&D&I manager, Juan Carlos García, explained that 'Cupla has a plant adapted to the agro-climatic characteristics of Huelva. It is an early variety of excellent quality, which maintains a 17-18 mm calibre throughout the season, has a good production yield and good shelf life.

Cuna de Platero made the official presentation of the variety in the Innova Forum, a space set up by the International Fruit and Vegetable Fair for growers to present their new products to the rest of the sector.

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The cooperative's R&D&I manager, Juan Carlos García


  • The production cycle lasts from the end of November to the beginning of May, with most production taking place in February and March. Approximately 70% of the harvest takes place by March.
  • The fruit is present all along the branch of the bush at blueberry, which makes it easy to pick.
  • The very upright structure of the plant allows a high planting density, with 3700 to 4000 plants per hectare.
  • From an agronomic point of view, it requires no special protocols and behaves like a standard variety.
  • It is a variety with a taste and high juiciness reminiscent of wild blueberry .
  • The colour of the peel is a pleasant blue.
  • The bloom is good and resistant.
  • The shelf life parameters are also good, with a weight loss of 2.5% after 30 days at +4°C (source IFAPA, June 2021).
  • Tested in Huelva, it is therefore well suited to the warm Mediterranean climates found in southern and island Italy.
  • Freedistribution under licence
  • Availability of technical support to manufacturers

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