22 May 2023

Strawberries: five new Fusarium-resistant varieties from California


University of California breeding programme provides five new varieties resistant to Fusarium wilt.

The University of California at Davis presented five new strawberry varieties, the first release of its strawberry breeding programme in which all cultivars are resistant to Fusarium wilt.

The five varieties, UC Eclipse, UC Golden Gate, UC Keystone, UC Monarch and UC Surfline, were selected for high yields and better quality.

Fragole del programma di breeding della UC Davis University.

Steve Knapp, distinguished professor in the Department of Plant Sciences and director of the UC Davis Strawberry Breeding Programme, said the new proposals will replace Fusarium wilt-sensitive plants on the market, such as Monterey, UCD Royal Royce and UCD Valiant.

"These plants offer the same or better yield and are resistant to Fusarium" Knapp said. "They have a better set of characteristics. They are superior."

Steve Knapp, professore della UC Davis University.

UC Eclipse is a summer cultivar that has the potential to increase growers' profitability as it produces higher yields in autumn and winter than similar cultivars.

UC Golden Gate and UC Keystone are neutral day varieties that produce fruit early and late in the season, respectively. UC Surfline and UC Monarch are short-day plants that are also resistant to Verticillium wilt and Phytophthora collar rot.

Source: Fruitnet
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