28 Sep 2024

Sant'Orsola plans to invest EUR 27.6 million by 2031


A further improvement of quality and the increase in berry production, a renewed focus on strawberries, the support for the new cover "serra trentina", and varietal changes are among the main development objectives of the 2025-2031 multi-year Operational Program unanimously approved last night (Tuesday, September 24) by the members of the Sant'Orsola Agricultural Cooperative gathered in an ordinary assembly at the company auditorium in Pergine Valsugana (Trento, Italy). 

It allows for a further leap forward in conquering new markets to further grow a brand already recognized as a leader in production and sales nationwide.

European funding

The Program is supported by financial contributions from the European Union, allocated to the members and the cooperative. The community funds amount to 27,652,000 Euros, increasing annually from 3,175,000 Euros in 2025 to 4,470,000 Euros in 2031. These funds are available for investment in the development objectives presented at the assembly by Matteo Bortolini, director of Sant'Orsola.

The cooperative's multi-year investment share amounts to 5,500,000 Euros during the same period, starting with 500,000 Euros from next year.

Multi-year objectives

The approved objectives essentially outline Sant'Orsola's overall strategy, which is to further improve the quality of its fruits, increase production to meet market demands over 12 months, introduce new varieties, all while fully respecting the environment throughout the entire production chain.

"We want to emphasize the importance of the operational plan as a tool to finance the necessary investments for our production, aligning it with market demands and forecasts," highlighted Silvio Bertoldi, president of Sant'Orsola, in his opening remarks to the attendees. 

He recalled that the cooperative has been recognized as a Producer Organization since 1997, in its capacity to aggregate associated companies to which it transfers research and services in support of their production activities.

Product objectives

In particular, the funds made available by the approved Operational Plan will be invested to finance a new focus on strawberries among member companies to extend the availability period throughout the year, the varietal change of blackberries to improve production, the generalized increase in blueberry production, and the stabilization, despite seasonal variations, of raspberry and redcurrant production.

The new experimental field

In detail, funding will also be allocated for the purchase of berry plants, cherry and apple trees, the renewal of blueberry plantations, and the new heavy greenhouses called "serra trentina" (an absolute novelty to be presented by the end of this year), natural pest control with beneficial insects, integrated production respectful of the naturalness of the fruits and the environment, and certain cultivation techniques such as insect nets and shading nets.

Further objectives include everbearing strawberries, varietal renewal, frost countermeasures, rain-protected greenhouses for berries, cherry, and hail protection for apple trees. Specific support for the operations of associated companies is also planned.

Among the cooperative's multi-year investments, 1.5 million Euros are allocated for the transfer and setup in 2026 of Sant'Orsola's Experimental Field at the Berry Village in the large area surrounding the plant's headquarters in the Cirè locality of Pergine. 

Currently, the Field is located on the Vigolana Plateau, where it has been operating for 22 years in breeding activities to improve plant characteristics through scientific criteria. The transfer of the innovations obtained to members ensures the constant development of their cultivation activities.

Sustainability report from 2026

Laura Ricci, from the Trentino-based company Linfa Consulting, then illustrated the significance and content of the first Sustainability Report that Sant'Orsola is preparing to draft for next year and will present at the 2026 general assembly.

The Report is oriented toward environmental sustainability practices and goals in the management and use of natural resources, as well as the social and economic dimensions of the company's activities. It involves the entire cooperative and any external entities connected to the cooperative.

Italian Berry - All rights reserved

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