
The Mirtillo Business Day opens on Wednesday, September 11, 2019, at 09:00 with participant registration.

At 9:30, the speakers’ presentations will begin. The mid-morning coffee break will offer a networking opportunity for all attendees. The program will conclude at 13:00 with refreshments.

Welcome Address

Thomas Drahorad

President NCX Drahorad srl

The Global Blueberry Landscape: Production and Consumption

Hans Liekens

Commercial Manager EMEA – Fall Creek Farm & Nursery, Inc. (USA)

United Kingdom: The Berries Market and Retail Support Actions

Rafael Barona Martinez

Procurement Manager Berry Gardens (UK)

Marketing and Public Relations of the Chilean Blueberry Committee

Andrés Armstrong

Executive Director – Chilean Blueberry Committee (Chile)

Successfully Elevating a Category: The Case of Dried Fruit in Italy

Claudio Scalise

Managing Director – SG Marketing

Science, Trends, Virality: When Foods Become Celebrities

Costanza Nosi

Associate Professor of Management and Marketing – LUMSA University (Rome)

The Value of Space: Blueberries as a Trade Opportunity in Italy

Marco Repezza

Senior Business Partner – Trade Marketing Studio

The Blue Point of Taste

Andrea Grignaffini

Journalist, Writer, Lecturer, Critic, and Food and Wine Expert