13 Jul 2021



Amin Bennani, president of AMPFR (Moroccan Association of Small Fruit Producers) represents a supply chain that includes more than 500 producers of strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries with 9500 hectares of berries in production.

"It will be a pleasure for me to be present at Italian Berry Day and to expose the situation and the opportunity offered by the berries sector in Morocco," said Amin Bennani confirming his participation as a speaker at the international conference organised by NCX Drahorad to be held on 8 September in Rimini during Macfrut.

Amin Bennani, president of AMPFR (Moroccan Association of Producers berries)

"About90% of Moroccan raspberry and blueberries production is for export and about 70% of strawberry is for export. Our main market is Europe (94%) but this last year we started to develop the Persian Gulf, Russia and the Asian continent," said Amin Bennani.

"The UK is our main market but exports to European countries are also increasing, a flow that used to go through Spain and now reaches the main markets directly, including Italy.

The event at Italian Berry Day will offer producers, traders and buyers in the berries supply chain a unique opportunity to learn about the main trends, meet the key players and look together at the future of a rapidly growing category in Italy.

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